Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Continuous Publication Model to December 2024.
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Gnosi: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis is a biannual (January-June and July-December) anonymous double-blind peer reviewed academic-based journal, domiciled in the “Department of Philosophy" at the University of Calabar, Nigeria. The first issue of Gnosi Journal appeared in the year 2018. Gnosi publishes theoretical, methodological, and firmly theoretically based empirical papers that contribute to a cross-disciplinary debate within the Humanities and Social Sciences in the English and French Languages.

The philosophy of the journal is that good theory and strong methodologies are essential for successful practice. Critical texts, including book reviews, are welcome. Both quantitative and qualitative texts are accepted for publication based on either positivist or humanist methodology if they are of high standards and meet the requirements of scholarly peer-review. The articles submitted for publication must not exceed 60.000 characters, including the references and annexes. Papers are submitted and published either in English or French Language. Manuscripts must be prepared and published in the American Psychological Association's 6th edition (APA 6th Edition). The aim of every manuscript received must be evident; the (hypo)theses that are considered in it must be clearly stated; the main original contribution must be highlighted, the methodology used must be evident. Articles must be equipped with an adequate scientific apparatus (references and list of references, etc.). All submissions must neither be under review elsewhere or have been previously published. Every paper submitted goes through a plagiarism check (Plagiarism Checker X) before being subjected to external evaluation by experts. Authors must adhere to the journal policy and must sign a copy right form. Gnosi journals charge publication fees.All manuscripts should be sent to

While the journal is international in scope, papers accurately promoting African concepts, theories, and points of view, less known in the world literature, are especially welcome. This also applies to manuscripts authored by scholars from outside the core of the world socio-economic system, which gives chances for direct discussion with no mediation from the core. 

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Best Practices

Type of License Creative Commons
Open Access Yes
Does the author retain unrestricted copyright? Yes
Does the author retain publishing rights? Yes
Blind Peer Review Yes

All manuscripts are submitted and reviewed electronically.  We provide our published authors with both a quality print publication and the widespread readership that comes from publishing all articles online within a few weeks of acceptance. This approach ensures that published works are read and cited by the widest possible audience.

ISSN ONLINE: 2714-2485

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Asira E. ASIRA
Executive Editor: Joseph N. OGAR
Managing Editor: Samuel A. BASSEY

Editorial Office: Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
Tel.: +2347060721631